Peace and blessings. Here is the link to update your monthly payment. We can not call ourselves Garveyites without being a paying dues member. Your commitment is acknowledged by your race.
Posted on July 27, 2024
Baltimore Division 106 BARCA-CLARKE
Posted on July 27, 2024
Peace and blessings. Here is the link to update your monthly payment. We can not call ourselves Garveyites without being a paying dues member. Your commitment is acknowledged by your race.
Posted on July 27, 2024
The 4th AIM AND OBJECTIVE in the UNIA-ACL is to administer and assist the needy!
“Let it be your highest purpose in life to assist the needy members of your race. Use all your influence in your country, state and town to help the needy elements of your race.”
Please share and come out and lets give back!!
Posted on February 12, 2024
It is almost that time! February 24th, the UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke will have its first Red, Black, and Green Gala, honoring powerful people that have been doing work in Baltimore City for the Black community. Live drumming, music, raffles, and door prizes are some of the exciting things happening at the event. It is not too late to get your tickets, and we will video the event to share with those who have donated tickets. We hope to see all of you there to celebrate and show how Race First honors the community. Below are some of the award recipients. Come help us honor those doing the work! Also we will have awards for special the owners of the book store Everyones Place, Tabia and Nati Kamau – Nataki
Posted on October 10, 2023
UNIA Roc Media is progressing and expanding. Please share the message below from First Assistant President General Raymond Dugué. You can join the Community Focus Show Program at 8pm ET on Mondays and Tuesdays on YouTube at UNIARocMedia – YouTube, on Facebook ( UNIA ROC MEDIA ), at, or on the UNIA Website at ( go to the MEDIA tab and click ‘Community Focus Show’.)
Posted on July 17, 2023
Habari Gani? ¿Que Pasa?
What’s Happening?
In Memory of —
Baba Tunji, Sis. Ernestine Aikens-Fair; Bro. Alvin Alston; Bro. Thom Bell; Sis. Irene Cara; Bro. George Clemons; Bro. Marshall Eddie Conway; Sis. Olivia Cooper; Bro. Lamont Dozier; Bro. Carlos Garnett; Sis. Diana Gibson; Bro. Sam Gooden; Sis. Olufunmilayo Jomo; Bro. Amenifu Harvey; Bro. Ahmed Jamal;
Bro. Christopher Jones; Sis Katrina Jones; Bro. Kamau Kenyatta; Bro. Louis E. Law; Sis. Lorne Cress Love; Bro. Ras Marcus; Sis. Gail F. Mitchell; Bro. Tyre Nichols; Bro. Pele; Bro. Irving Phillips; Sis. Pansy Plunkett; Sis. Louise Price; Sis. Chaneta Iris Reynolds; Sis. Catherine Woodland Richardson: Bro. Wayne Shorter; Bro. Desmond Tutu; Bro. Melvin White; Sis. Melissa Wright-Ellison; Sis. Sharon Wright; Bro. Bobbie Yates
Our 53rd Annual
Marcus Garvey Day
Parade & Celebration
10 am! Our parade forms at Carey-Cumberland Park
1600 N. Carey Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21217
Begins 11 am | Proceeds to Harlem Square Park
12 noon – 7 pm Harlem Square Park
601 N. Gilmore Street | Baltimore, Maryland 21217
Music, Art, Games for the Youth, African Marketplace
Sponsored by Camp Harambe – The People Info: 443-742-5193
Posted on July 17, 2023
Let’s explore and feel one with nature. Saturday, July 22, 2023 our UNIA members will be getting some healthy exercise with some nature!! Children and teens are welcome. We will be hitting the Gwynn Falls/ Leakin Park Trail. We will meet up at the Park Pavilion ( Parking and Rest room Area ). For more information please contact our Baltimore UNIA-ACL 2ND Vice President, brother Duane Paige at
Posted on April 24, 2023
The President General Michael Duncan recited the letter Marcus Garvey wrote to all the divisions of the UNIA when he was imprisoned in the Atlanta prison.
Posted on January 28, 2023
Our division has been making a point to be aggressively active in what is going on locally in our Baltimore, and Maryland community/ government meetings and events. We have been really pushing to be at many protest, town meeting. Newly elected States Attorney Ivan Bates has been doing Town meetings to hear from the citizens of Baltimore. As you can imagine the emotion has been very high. Citizens want to be heard, and voiced their opinions. ” Our UNIA members have been out making noise as well. We are letting the community know we are here and our here for them!” says division Ambassador At Large sister Charlene.
Posted on January 28, 2023
The Baltimore UNIA-ACL Division 106 Barca-Clarke is having the OUR-HISTORY 365 event! The theme of the event is to bring a demand for AFRICAN OUR-STORY and not the false HIS-STORY about the past achievements and accomplishments of Black people globally throughout the ages. Supporting Black entrepreneurs and demanding African history 365 days of the year, not just one month! The event will be held at the HISTORIC Harlem theater. Built as a Methodist church in 1903, it was converted into a cinema in a restrained Spanish Atmospheric style, opening on October 7, 1932 with Edmund Lowe in “Chandu the Magician”. It catered for an African-American audience. THIS WILL BE THE GREAT RE-LAUNCH! There will be health information, drumming, poets, music, speakers, and much more. The HARLEM THEATRE IS LOCATED AT 616 N Gilmor St, Baltimore, MD 21217.
For more information, contact us via the contact box below.