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Five Bills introduced at Maryland General Assembly WE ALL NEED TO BE AWARE OF

Much respect and love for our Division Ambassador At Large Charlene Rock-Foster for keeping our Baltimore UNIA-ACL division up to date with all of the information going on in the Baltimore Community. As a division we are striving to be more active in our community politically.

This is just four of many. Also included are instructions on creating an account if one wanted to track what is happening with the bills below.

HB0077: Prohibiting a person from committing motor vehicle offenses related to overtaking and passing vehicles, driving on the sidewalk, and reckless and negligent driving while operating a dirt bike; and establishing penalties of imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both for a violation of the Act. (B360 is pushing back against this legislation for it criminalizes dirt bike riding, )

SB309: Local review board: to add civilians to the accountability board for Baltimore City’s local control of its Police Department

SB0053: Requiring a law enforcement officer who takes a child into custody, interrogates or charges a child with a criminal violation to provide reasonable notice to the child’s parents, guardian, or custodian; requiring the notice to include the child’s location, the reason for the custody action, and instructions on how to make in-person contact; prohibiting the interrogation of a child by a law enforcement officer until the child has consulted with a certain attorney and a notice has been provided to the child’s parents, guardian or custodian; etc.

HB1: Establishing that, on or after July 1, 2023, an individual in the State who is at least 21 years old may use and possess cannabis. At that general election, the vote on the proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and on each ballot there shall be printed the words “For the Constitutional Amendment” and “Against the Constitutional Amendment”, as now  provided by law.


You can enter the above bills in the search bar to pull up the details. To create your personal page, go to the website, click on on MyMGA Icon in the upper right hand corner of the page: 


The frustration of Baltimore city residents was on full display Tuesday night 12/7/2021. Several community associations decided to come together to get an agenda to make change. Mrs. Barbara Jackson – Frankfort Community Association, Mr. Moody (Cedonia Community Association), Mr. Wall Harbel, Zina Moore (Housing Director), Ms Shannon (Regional Management), Dr. Brooks from BCPSS, Ms. Gloria (Harbel Director of Community Relations), we’re some in attendance.

Members of the Universal Negro Improvement Association- African Communities League Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke we’re also in attendance. Lady President Narcessa Davis made her presence known by demanding that it is time to stop talking and start demanding change. “ Sitting around talking about what’s going on will not help our community! We need to come up with an agenda and put pressure on our elected officials for change.” Community members spoke up with frustration! Some of the issues were violence, drugs, help for the elderly, outlets for the youth, the lack of homeowners, the school system, and the lack of outreach programs were just a few of the issues.

“ It’s the duty of the UNIA to defend and unite the black communities” said Division secretary Brother Everett who will become president in January. “ We have emailed, and we have called. Now we will email as a community and call as a community. If they refuse to make change we will vote them out and get someone in there that understands QUID PRO QUO ( a exchange or favor for our votes).

The people at the meeting have decided to first email and write letters to the city council members as well as calling. But it’s only the beginning. They have discussed going taking it to the next city meeting and letting their voices be heard. More importantly the UNIA is working to bring all the community associations city wide in Baltimore together. They will be reaching out to other community associations to have a meeting and here their concerns.

The main concern with everyone at the meeting seemed to be the violence and drugs. Mr Wall Harbel says “Community policing needs to come back!” It’s a shame, the lack of confidence in the city officials to where the community has to start policing themselves. Ms Barbara Jackson of the Frankfort community association who has been involved for over 20 years, as well as other community members mentioned elders in the community need a center and that it has become dangerous for them. It was mentioned that there isn’t enough resources for the youth and young adults. “ They have nothing to do but walk around and smoke weed! Where are the up to date community centers, where can the kids that can’t play sports go”!

Congrats to these community associations for coming together. Please contact us if your community is in need of help with these issues or something else. The time is now for change. Email us at [email protected]


Join us, Tuesday 12/7/21, as members of our UNIA-ACL Division 106 Barca-Clarke attend a meeting with D. Wall Harvey Community association President with all the other NE Community Associations. Join us and let your voice be heard. Let’s meet, come up with an agenda, and demand changes. The meeting will be at 5500 Cedonia Ave, Suite E next to the nail salon at 6:30 pm – 8 pm


This Saturday at 3pm via Zoom, we will be meeting to discuss some very important topics. As we enter the new year, we begin our new journey as a division to be more active in our community and local government. A lot has happened in a year. We will discuss our upcoming agenda, possible UNIA-ACL crypto currency, local officer elections, upcoming events and much more. Do you have some concerns with what’s going on in our community? Join us and allow your voice to be heard. The link for our meeting is listed below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 7395 0838

Join us and invite a friend.


The UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke is here to serve the black community. As our membership grows, we now feel it is time to start demanding change! In Baltimore there is crime, drugs, violence, poor education, lack of cultural centers, lack of recreation center funding, and so on. We can go on about the poor conditions the black community has to deal with. Are you disappointed in the no child left behind rules? Are you tired of the public school system? When will changes be made? Take this quick survey so we fight for you. This survey will be very critical in how our local division officers move forward with the community in demanding change. DEMAND CHANGE NOW!!! Please fill out this 2 question survey. Also please share.


This is a survey we would like you all to fill out. The survey is from Dennis Winkler, owner of TNAT Wellness Center (where we had our first event). He’s doing a study and needs as many Black participants as possible. Please share within your network of people and if inclined to do so, take the survey. CLICK HERE TO SEE SURVEY!!!

Dennis “Ausar” Winker, Jr., is a doctoral candidate at Waynesburg University. He is reaching reaching out in regard to recruitment for his research study. He is seeking to explore the impact that race-based trauma has on African American adults (18 and older) by identifying patterns in responses across Black Identity status, race-based trauma symptoms, and spirituality/religion.

Helping spread the word about this much-needed study, as it has the potential to lead identify patterns that will be helpful to the African American community and future research. Attached you will find an announcement for the leadership of your organization and a recruitment flier which is to be distributed to prospective participants. 

Participation is completely confidential. No identifiable information will be collected, which will ensure participants’ confidentiality. The participation survey is available online and can be accessed via computer, tablet, and or smartphone. PLEASE PARTICIPATE. CLICK HERE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SURVEY.


We will continue our RACE FIRST BOOK CLUB STUDY GROUP THURSDAY DECEMBER 16,2021. This is our third week of reading as we meet via Zoom every third Thursday of the month. YOU DO NOT NEED TO READ OR HAVE THE BOOK TO PARTICIPATE. Please invite like minded people and our youth. All UNIA-ACL members from all divisions are welcome. We would love to build with our brothers and sisters. The link to join is

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Meeting ID: 861 7395 0838
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Meeting ID: 861 7395 0838
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DON’T MISS OUT ON FREE GROCERIES, CLOTHES, AND HOT FOOD SERVED!! DECEMBER 8TH, 2:30 sharp at Park school in Brooklyn, Maryland, our UNIA-ACL division will be serving FREE groceries and hot food. The last food drive was a huge success as we fed over 200 people. This event we expect to serve more people. PLEASE SHARE THE WORD! COME OUT AND SUPPORT. OUR COMMUNITY NEEDS PROGRAMS LIKE THIS. OUR COMMUNITY NEEDS US!!! The school address: 

201 E 11th Ave, Brooklyn Park, MD 21225