Saturday July 30 and Sunday July 31 BEPAA and CEMOTAP hosted the 24th annual Dr. John Henrik Clarke Tribute. It was amazing. Some of the speakers were Dr Oya Adwoa Ma’at, UNIA-ACL President General Michael R. Duncan, UNIA-ACL Assistant President General Raymond Dugue, UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division President Everett Winchester, Professor Leonard Jeffries, Mama Marimba Ani, Baba Dr Wade Nobles, Sister Keisha Hopkins Forrester, Brother Shep Olubala, Brother Ray Ray, Brother Michael Greys, Brother Noel Leader, Sister Betty Dopson, Dr Tyrene Wright, Dr Joanne Edey-Rhodes,Dr Greg Carr, Anthony Browder, just to name a few. The Baltimore Division is named after John Henrik Clarke and Hannibal Barca so it was a blessing for President Everett to speak both days. Much respect to the moderator of the event, Dr. James Mcintosh, who is also the surgeon General of the UNIA-ACL. The tribute raised funds to donate to the CLARKE house. The Board for the Education of People of African Ancestry (BEPAA), is a Harlem-based 501C 3 non-profit organization. BEPAA acquired 286 Convent Avenue almost 20 years ago. Named “Clarke House” in honor of Dr. John Henrik Clarke, a history scholar and leader in the advancement of African culture in this country, BEPAA conducts research, seminars, and workshops and carries out various educational programs within this facility in Harlem. The organization was founded by Dr. Adelaide Sanford, a legendary orator, educator and former Vice Chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents. The Clarke House is completely owned. But we need our pan africans and Garveyites to help keep up the maintenance. To help contribute fill out the form below photos.

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