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Time to Wake em’ up



MAKE SOME NOISE FOR DONNELL. Members of the Baltimore UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division 106 Barca-Clarke will be attending the PROTEST FOR DONNELL ROCHESTER Thursday 1/26/2023 at 4:00pm at 120 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md, 21202.

BALTIMORE POLICE OFFICERS chased Donnell Rochester, who runs and then retreats back to his car and drives off. The police yell get out the car as Donnell drives forward. Officer Connor Murray shoots at Donnell, soon after Officer Robert Mauri shoots Rochester through the windshield and the car stops. Donnell gets out the car with his hands up stating I can’t breathe. After 15 minutes of being shot, Donnell was pronounced dead. BELOW WE HAVE VIDEO OF THE SHOOTING!

The Rochester family has been demanding the officers Mauri and Murray be charged for killing Donnell., questioning the tactics of the police. Ms. Danielle Brown stated that her son didn’t deserve to die. President Everett Winchester of the Baltimore UNIA-ACL stated that there is a lack of respect and a lack of tolerance for the Black communities in Baltimore. ” It’s either not enough policing, or policing to the extreme without following protocol. People assumed be doing wrong, and even if they are breaking the law does not mean they need to be killed! It’s open season in Baltimore”

If you would like to join members of the Barca-Clarke Division 106 please fill out the contact box below.

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Our Baltimore Division President Brother Everett and our Baltimore Division Technical Chair Brother Kamron was blessed to be apart of our Chicago Divisions Podcast: DIVISION 401 TV. It was very powerful. The podcast was about speaking the importance of promoting a RACE 1ST ideology that needs to apply to the youth. Check out the link below as all Garveyites should support.


The BLACK MEN UNIFYING BLACK MEN HONORS AWARDS will be held Saturday, November 5th from 10-1 at the Downtown Cultural Arts Center located 401 N. Howard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Special guest speaker will be Ivan Bates. Honorees range from Congressman Kweisi Mfume, Imam Earl El-Amin, Leo Burroughs, Jr., just to name a few. President Everett will be attending and states if able, all brothers show there support to BLACK MEN UNIFYING BLACK MEN as they have showed love to the UNIA. If interested please contact us by filling out the contact box below or reaching out to the contacts on the flyer.

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The UNIA-ACL BALTIMORE DIVISION 106 Barca-Clarke will be passing out information at the AFRICANS WITH EPILEPSY CONFERENCE AT BE MORE GREEN. Come out and get some great information detailing health in the black communities, including the UNIA Black Cross Nurses, and much more. Be More Green is an all-vegan business located in Baltimore, Maryland.  The grocery store offers a free selection of produce to combat food insecurity.  The free grocery model was founded by Dominic Nell.  Dominic is affectionately known as “Farmer Nell”, and he created Be More Green to reduce food apartheid in USDA food deserts. Based on the international #TheFutureIsGreen movement that promotes a healthier community narrative. They specialize in processing fresh fruit directly from orchards and know exactly how to provide quality and healthy drinks. BE MORE GREEN is the social impact & innovation wing of CityWeeds. 

CityWeeds is a trauma-informed food business that strives to eliminate food deserts and improve the health, wellness, and independence of Baltimore City residents through the growing and selling of microgreens and cold-pressed juices. 

CityWeeds was also founded by Dominic “Farmer” Nell in 2016 after the tragic murder of Freddie Gray and the Baltimore Uprising. These events encouraged Farmer Nell to reflect on the distress faced by city residents and the healing needed in his West Baltimore neighborhood. Farmer Nell’s vision for CityWeeds is to feed and heal the community by growing food out of vacant lots. 

The AFRICANS WITH EPILEPSY will be a great event. Feel free to come and invite family and friends.


Saturday August 20, 2022 we will be celebrating one of the greatest men that ever walked the face of the earth. The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the founder of our organization UNIA-ACL. Every year this event has been held to show homage to Marcus Garvey.

The BLACK HERITAGE WEEK Planning Team joins Baba Charlie Dugger in presenting the 52nd Annual Marcus Garvey Day Parade and Festival. In the spirit of Ujima & Ujamaa, this community cultural event is sponsored by Ancestors Roots, Inc., Camp Harambee/The People, and UNIA-ACL Barca-Clarke Division 106.


Saturday 8/20 11AM
Wall of Respect @ Cumberland & Carey Park
The parade route begins at the African Wall of Respect at Carey & Cumberland Streets, proceeds down Pennsylvania Avenue to Dolphin Street, and then down Calhoun to Harlem Park. Check-in at 10am.


Saturday 8/20 12PM – 5PM
Art, Music, Poetry, Film! Featuring African Marketplace! This event will also be live-streamed with additional virtual activities.


A Libation Ceremony is an ancient form of prayer. A petition is made while pouring water or alcohol to the Creator and to the passed over ancestors, for their assistance with our human affairs. The libation is symbolic of invoking these energies. We speak aloud the names of those we have lost. It is customary to say a prayer giving thanks and appreciation for the guidance and blessings received.

For details on how to enjoy this event from home, see the website [www.blackheritageweek.com]

Click the link for details and updates: https://fb.me/e/1AR0iUWlR


As the month of Mosiah ( August ) gets heated up. This is the time that our UNIA-ACL Baltimore division pushes hard to do a lot of community events. August 13, 2022 12-4 pm at Wheaton Park, Hagerstown, Md., 21740 we will be participating in the DAY OF HOPE CELEBRATION EVENT. Our goal is always to spread the teachings of Marcus Garvey to all people in the Black community. This event will be good. So far over 40 vendors have signed up. If you are close to the Hagerstown area please come out. There will be LIVE MUSIC, FREE FOOD, FOOD FOR SALE, PRESENTATIONS, SPEAKERS, YARD SALES, FUN GAMES, and much more. For more information contact brother Andy Smith via email at buwdtc@anthony-ainsworth

Hope to see you at the event having a good time.



Focus on the Nation

August 23-27, 2022
Detroit, Michigan

Convention Business Site        
Barack Obama Leadership Academy
10800 E. Canfield 
Detroit, MI 48214

To attend the convention you must be an active member of the UNIA-ACL and your dues must be
current, and their division must be active, current, and registered

This event will be like no other. Dr Leonard Jeffries is expected to speak on one of the days. There will be a tour of Detroit, a Family Fun Day, Wellness Fair, THE RED BLACK AND GREEN GALA, Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History Tour, and much more!!!!! President Everett says you can never truly be a Garveyite without being an active member of the UNIA-ACL and attending the convention.


For more information on the convention, becoming an GARVEYITE, and joining the UNIA fill out the contact box below!

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Saturday July 30 and Sunday July 31 BEPAA and CEMOTAP hosted the 24th annual Dr. John Henrik Clarke Tribute. It was amazing. Some of the speakers were Dr Oya Adwoa Ma’at, UNIA-ACL President General Michael R. Duncan, UNIA-ACL Assistant President General Raymond Dugue, UNIA-ACL Baltimore Division President Everett Winchester, Professor Leonard Jeffries, Mama Marimba Ani, Baba Dr Wade Nobles, Sister Keisha Hopkins Forrester, Brother Shep Olubala, Brother Ray Ray, Brother Michael Greys, Brother Noel Leader, Sister Betty Dopson, Dr Tyrene Wright, Dr Joanne Edey-Rhodes,Dr Greg Carr, Anthony Browder, just to name a few. The Baltimore Division is named after John Henrik Clarke and Hannibal Barca so it was a blessing for President Everett to speak both days. Much respect to the moderator of the event, Dr. James Mcintosh, who is also the surgeon General of the UNIA-ACL. The tribute raised funds to donate to the CLARKE house. The Board for the Education of People of African Ancestry (BEPAA), is a Harlem-based 501C 3 non-profit organization. BEPAA acquired 286 Convent Avenue almost 20 years ago. Named “Clarke House” in honor of Dr. John Henrik Clarke, a history scholar and leader in the advancement of African culture in this country, BEPAA conducts research, seminars, and workshops and carries out various educational programs within this facility in Harlem. The organization was founded by Dr. Adelaide Sanford, a legendary orator, educator and former Vice Chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents. The Clarke House is completely owned. But we need our pan africans and Garveyites to help keep up the maintenance. To help contribute fill out the form below photos.

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The month of August is also referred as the month of Mosiah. The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey was born August 17, 1887 in Jamaica. There are many powerful things going on in August, especially with the UNIA. The UNIA-ACL held its first international convention for the entire month of August in Newyork. August 13, 1920 the UNIA-ACL during the convention introduced The Declaration of Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World. August 15, 2020 Czar Kijana and Everett Winchester proclaimed they would be starting the Baltimore UNIA-ACL Division Barca-Clarke which became division 106. During the convention in 1920, the UNIA-ACL also introduced the RED, BLACK AND GREEN FLAG. August 31st is the international holiday for all Africans. This was just a few powerful historical events in August. This years convention will be in Detroit, USA, August 23-27. For more info on the Month of Mosiah and the UNIA please fill out the box below or email uniabarcaclarke@gmail.com

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Baltimore city State’s Attorney race: REALLY IMPORTANT!

The Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City (BCSAO) is responsible for the prosecution of all crimes that occur in Baltimore City.  Employing over 200 attorneys and an additional 200 administrative and support staff, the BCSAO is the largest local prosecutorial office in the state of Maryland and prosecutes over 40,000 cases each year. ( ACCORDING TO THE BCSAO WEBSITE ). As of now, the States Attorney for Baltimore is a black sister by the name of Marilyn Mosby. With such a powerful position comes great responsibility and scrutiny.


Ms. Mosby has been under fire for a while. Some of her issues comes from the Keith Davis Jr. case. In June of 2015, an innocent Keith Davis Jr. was cornered by police in a West Baltimore garage where they shot at him 44 times, striking him 3 times. Although Keith Davis Jr. miraculously survived, he’s endured several trials, no lasting convictions and years of incarceration. Baltimore’s state attorney Marilyn Mosby protected the officers who shot Keith and then prosecuted Keith for crimes he did not commit. Mosby was recently ordered to appear in court because she violated a gag order on the case. FOR MORE INFO ON KEITH DAVIS JR CLICK HERE!

It doesn’t stop there. WBALTV 11, just one of the many of the media outlets reported in January 2022 a federal grand jury indicted Mosby on federal charges of perjury and making false mortgage applications, relating to the 2020 purchases of two vacation homes in Florida. According to the four-count indictment, Mosby claimed to have experienced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to withdraw from the city’s Deferred Compensation Plan on two separate occasions, receiving $40,000 and $50,000. But documents show she continued to receive her full salary during the pandemic, which was a gross salary in 2020 of $247,955.58 and it was never reduced: “Rather than experiencing a reduction in income in 2020, Mosby’s gross salary in 2020 increased over her gross salary in 2019, which was $238,772.04,” the indictment states.

The drama does not stop. The Baltimore Sun reported that Mosby’s felony prosecutorial units have been consistently understaffed, the level of experience for attorneys in her office has dropped off substantially, and morale is depleted. Mosby called it “misinformation” but declined to say what in the story was wrong. Mosby dismissed news reports about the staffing woes as misguided and politically charged. The budget hearing and questions about staffing in the Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office come as Mosby faces reelection and a federal criminal case against her.

While the black community in Baltimore is focused on Police reform, and other offices up for election. The citizens of Baltimore can not lose focus on the POLITICAL RACE for the Baltimore State’s Attorney’s office. ” This is critical! With all that is going on, the office that prosecutes criminals to keep our community safe, is the same office which gets scrutinized for falsely prosecuting people. One hand washes the other. We need to really focus on who is running against Ms Mosby. We need to really evaluate her as the States attorney. I am not saying to vote for someone else. I am saying it’s our duty to put someone in office that is not only going to do the job, but understand the pain in the community itself”, stated Everett Winchester who is the President of the Baltimore UNIA-ACL Division 106 Barca-Clarke. ” One, we need to hold our elected officials to the highest standards. Two, what is the agenda of this office. Three, is the sister being railroaded, or she just isn’t cutting the mustard! We cannot take this election for this office for granted.”, the division president stressed.

The major candidates running are Ivan Bates, Marilyn J. Mosby, Thiru Vignarajah. The Baltimore Sun Newspaper has endorsed Ivan Bates while the Governor of Maryland is endorsing Thiru Vignarajah. The Afro News is endorsing Ms. Mosby. It is also believed she still has major support in the community. There seems to be a lot of mixed reviews. One thing we do know, if the wrong person gets elected, it could harm the black community. Baltimore city wake up. This is critical that we get on it.


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